Friday, April 27, 2007

Love more; Learn more!

I am going to make this real simple. I did a losuy mistake and made Ganesh's birthday a miserable one because I went over board with my own frustrations. Should have been more patient. First lesson. Second lesson. A simple thought expressed by Ganesh which made a powerful impact. He was upset about certain things that had happened in the run up to his birthday. Some statements had hurt him and then my stupid shouting on his birthday. He calmly took it all (actually another lesson for me; not to get too emotional) but broke out the next day and told me what had hurt him. I immediately got into explaining why he shouldn't feel that way because what he had understood was not what I had meant. After all my emotional outpouring, he just said one thing. And that one thing is the lesson I wanted to share with you all. He said "I told you what I felt. I dont know if it is right or wrong. But that is what I felt and you can't tell me not to feel like that, because it is a feeling and I can't stop it." I thought that made sense. Especially because it came from a loved one with whom one wants to share one's joys and sorrows. Think about it. May be it will hit home with you or may be not.

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