Thursday, July 06, 2006

GOD, you there?

I happened to read someone’s blog on God’s existence which touched a spot in me. I am one of those people who keep thinking about this question. I am sure there are quite a few of us like this. However, I am still at a stage where I can’t make up my mind either way. Though this blog I read didn’t have the answer to the question, it was very insightful. It triggered me to add a comment as well. As I was writing the comment I decided that I had to share it with all you guys. I especially want to share the wisdom I have quoted from the book I was reading when I posted this comment. So here’s what I wrote. Read on.

Hi Ben,

Thanks for your comments on my blog. I happened to forget to moderate comments on my blog for a while and saw yours only today.

The 'Desidarata' page link you had sent did really strike a chord with me. Especially the lines
'And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.'

These lines are probably very much related to this post on God's existence.

You have really given vent to the feelings of ‘God's existence’ that I am sure many of us keep pondering about. And you were absolutely right. I do not have the guts either to say 'God does not exist' as yet. But I think this courage is lacking in many of us because we do not have an explanation for the many mystical things that happen around us.

I am reading this book called 'The Saint, the Surfer and the CEO' by Robin Sharma in which there was a very thought provoking paragraph. It went like this :-
"Our world is a very wise place, and our lives unfold according to a series of natural laws that are nothing less than brilliant. We human beings think that our lives are governed by random events and that the people who enter and exit do so purely by chance. Nothing could be further from the truth. There's no chaos in the world, only order. There are no coincidences - ever. Our lives aren’t run by good or bad luck, but by an intelligent process designed to help us evolve into our best selves.’

I was so struck by this thought because it looks like it is the most sensible way of accepting all that happens around us each day. Of course, this doesn’t clear the dilemma about whether God exists or not. I would however prefer to believe that there is a bigger power above (I am not sure if this is a person or thing) that governs all of life and that it arranges all that happens, to be the way it is. Whether this a good or bad power is still debatable I guess. But I think all answers to all happenings are within us. This again is a belief that has become stronger by the following story I read in the book I just mentioned above. This story is sort of a fable from the East. It is about how once upon a time all human beings on Earth were considered God. Then humankind abused its powers and the Supreme Lord decided to take it all away. He then wanted to hide the godhead – the source of all human talent, potential and glory. After hearing a lot of suggestions (which included the mountains, oceans, ground, etc.) of his advisors about where to the hide the god head, the master hit upon the solution. He decided to place this extraordinary power, magnificence and glory inside the heart of every man, woman and child on the planet because he claimed that this place is were human beings will never think of looking for the treasure. Now, that sounds so true doesn’t it?


For those of you who are interested in Ben’s blog, you can check out this Link

I think each of us has our own insights about what or who is GOD. I for one just think the power above us is within each of us and he/she/it has a plan for each one of us. I believe we all should strive to be honest to ourselves and that probably is the best way of honouring the power above who thought it fit to bring us into this universe. Being true to your conscience is one of the easiest ways of fulfilling your purpose in this universe.

I would love to know what each of your thoughts is, on this topic of God’s existence. So, do try to send in your comments.

One more nice quote I’d like to share with you all before I conclude.
“Service & acts of kindness to others is the rent we pay for tenancy on this planet”


Anonymous said...

Hi Savi,

All the questions and doubts that you and Ben raised concerns and confuses me as well. However I believe that GOD exists and ask HIM to give me (and those who are around me) more faith when we don't have wisdom to understand and jusify the happenings around us with our limited knowledge and grace.

I would like to bring in another point for us to ponder. All of us think that only commissioning (or acting upon) is the sin, but what about all the omissions that each of us are commiting knowingly and un-knowingly. I strongly believe that when we start acting on the omissions (could be as simple as visiting our parents/in-laws/friends to service to the community level), we'll be bounded with new wisdom and renew ourselves in faith in GOD.

Till then I continue to pray, 'LORD! shower us with faith to hold on to you'


Ed Vis said...

Dear Savi: There is a line in the most popular book of Rabi Harold S. Kushner's book

When Bad Things Happen to Good People

" Where was God when six million Jews were slaughtered in Nazi Germany? "

and his answer is

"God was inching along with Jews who were standing in que in front a gas chamber to be gassed to death, crying along with them."


God is a concept which came out the very slow thought process in the man.

God is beyond mind and as such God can conceived only by going above mind.


Read another line from Srimad Bhagavatam.

" Seeking God is exactly like a pinch of salt try to find the bottom of the ocean. The moment the pinch of salt touches the surface of the ocean it becomes part and parcel of the ocean. Similarly a seeker of God ultimately become part and parcel of God.