Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Should I be ashamed of changing?

I did something last week after a lot of thinking and turmoil. All who know me, know that I was a vegeterian. Ofcourse, some also know that I have a big temptation for prawns. Though tempted, I kept telling myself that killing something and eating was something to do with principles in life. But the last week, my temptation took the better of me and I ate some prawns (Shanthi, my maid made this amazing dish called Palak Jinga). Then a couple of days later I decided that if I ate prawns I could also eat fish because I have read a lot about seafood being good for health. So I ate fish as well.

Ok now, I hear all you vegeterians yelling and throwing abuses at me:) But I must admit that of late a thought had been doing the rounds in my 'mazed mind'. The thought about balance in life. I hear you all. I am not beating about the bush to prove my point. Just a thought which triggered this whole change in me (of course, alongside the temptation for prawns). Now back to the main point of this whole tale.

Ganesh and I had, a few weeks ago, got into a conversation about how some people become fiercely involved in some of their principles and expect the whole world to follow suit. I can't remember the exact incident, but I think it was this news about how animal lovers had staged a dharna to ban KFC because it was killing too many chickens. Whilst I am a big animal lover myself, I don't think that it is right for people to just impose their likes on everyone. God has created the universe in a particular way to bring balance. For instance, one species has to perish for another to survive. Like lions kill other animals for their food. You can't argue against that. Similarly, another cult are feminists. When I say feminists, I mean real feminists who blame men for everything and dislike the word 'Men'. You can fight for your rights as individuals and put forth concerns which revolve around gender but you cannot ignore men as a species because man and woman were created as equal halves to balance the universe and procreate.

Now, my change as I said was triggered by this thought. The thought of the way universe was created. God made all species and gave each of them their characteristics and behaviour (my atheist friends can replace God with Science). Imagine if the whole world was vegeterian how we would be vying for space with goats and chickens and pigs and cattle. So I kept thinking about how nature is the way it is meant to be and how it wouldn't be a sin to just follow my natural instincts and temptations. I also happen to read something about the same thoughts in the book I am currently reading - 'Like the flowing river' by Paulo Coelho. One of the chapters in this book talks about myths and one of the myths that the author talks about is got to do with eating non-vegeterian. A sentence here touched a chord in me. It goes like this: "Nature is a constant cycle of life and death and, one day, we will be the ones going back into the earth to feed it". The author also further quotes what Jesus said, which was "It is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a man, but what comes out of the mouth". The author also spoke, in another chapter, about how one of the characteritic of the human species is contradictoriness and that we should not be ashamed to change our opinions as long as it does not cause grave consequences.

Now, I beg you people not to mistake me here. I totally respect anyone who wants to be vegeterian. It is one's choice, but to expect the whole universe to follow suit may not be reasonable. And many of you may not agree with my thoughts that led to my change, but I am the master of my will and I will bear the consequences of my action and this is an act that I thought fit in my current frame of mind. So why explain all this to all of you??? Because this is a blog about my 'mazed mind' which I mean to share with those who are interested in its meandering paths and its ramifications for their own good or bad.


Anonymous said...

While surfing in the net I discovered your profile and I also love the work of Paulo Coelho!!!! Like a Flowing River is amazing book!I love it!
Do you know that Paulo is launching his new book, The Witch of Portobello, through his blog
I found it out because i'm inscibed to his newsletter http://www.warriorofthelight.com/engl/index.html
it's simply wonderful!
have a nice day!

Sriganesh said...

This is a masterpiece.

As you spoke about Jesus, I too have a philospophy. Vegetarian by what you eat is not big deal. Being vegetarian in have perspectives in life is what matters.

I eat because I love NV not because the population of birds and goats will go up.

Do what you like.

Unknown said...

It is indeed a personal choice to be vegetarian or otherwise.Hey! why do we need to explain ourselves?We are probably compelled to do so since we have set standards for ourselves.Your blog 'Right/wrong;Perfection/Excellence' talks of the dilemas we face in our day-to-day existence.
Talking of becoming a non-vegetarian,well its entirely ones one personal choice - hey! lets just admit that all of us are definitely governed by our five senses and we DO like to eat what we can eat.
i do agree on " I don't think that it is right for people to just impose their likes on everyone. God has created the universe in a particular way to bring balance. For instance, one species has to perish for another to survive" (to quote).However the flip side is more animals are bred for human comsumption - nature probably hadnt planned it this way - and we seem to be extending this theory far too wide - to eating raw flesh, exotic animals,.........the list seems to be growing.
Soon we'd begin cloning humans (human flesh is still rated to be best,remember).
I certainly am not getting judgemental - lets just stop giving explanations as to why we chose to lead a certain lifestyle - lets just admit that we like doing (or eating) what we do and carry on.................

Unknown said...

Sudha, you are absolutely right about taking non-vegeterianism too far by eating raw flesh, exotic animals, etc. Like in all things in life - 'too much of something is good for nothing'. But like you rightly said, what each person likes to do or eat is his/her choice.

However, my blog post on my change of heart is more of a sharing of my thoughts rather than a justification for my act. As you said, why do I have to explain or justify myself? And frankly, if I even tried doing it, I would be driving myself and everyone around me crazy:)

Ramanathan said...

Very nice post and a classy follow up by sudha.

I actually wrote a big comment. Somehow i didnt want to publish it.

On thing i noticed here is that the confusing 'you' in yourself is showing its presence even in prawn and fish issue.

As Ganesh said, do what you like. Stop thinking too much. Dont try to follow unrealistic path in life.

rayzeus said...

Causing pain isnt humane. Killing, whether to eat it or frame it, isnt something we are to be proud of as a 'rational, aesthetic' species. We indulge in it heartlessly now, sometimes out of necessity. Perhaps someday in the future we wont. And that would be nice.