Saturday, November 10, 2007

The 'Think Different Chanllenge'

I got this mail from Tristan Loo of urging me to accept a challenge to 'Think Differently' about something in my life. You can read more about this on

In short, the challenge is about changing your perception about something that has had negative connotations. Coincidentally, there is something that I have thought about differently in the recent past. So here I am, telling you about how I have been 'Thinking Differently'.

I have in the recent past thought a lot about why I am so disappointed with people around me all the time. I realized, as always, that the answer lies within me. I was always trying to make people see my viewpoint in everything. I wanted people to think the way I think about everything. When someone thinks or acts differently from the way I do, I start to find it difficult adjusting to that person. I have to find a justification for my stance as compared to his/hers. So, this made it difficult for me to accept people easily and I used to be uptight and always judging people.

Now, I have started to realize that different perceptions of different people is what makes life interesting. Ganesh, my husband, always used to say, 'Why does one have to like or do the same thing as the other person? Could I just not do what I like and still be happy with what you do or who you are?' I think he is absolutely right. I have now started to understand that every human being thinks differently and each one has the right to do that as well. If I learn to accept people as they are, I would be able to see the beauty of variety in life.

I am presently reading this book titled 'Built to Last' by Jim Collins & Jerry I. Porras. There is a chapter in the book about the 'Tyranny of the OR'. It speaks about how visionary companies don't hold the 'rational view that cannot accept paradox, that cannot live with two seemingly contradictory forces or ideas at the same time. The authors talk about how visionary companies don't oppress themselves with the "Tyranny of the OR", instead, they liberate themselves with the "Genius of the AND" - the ability to embrace both extremes of a number of dimensions at the same time'. I feel this is true of people as well. When I embrace the 'Genius of the AND' I am less demanding of myself and others. I am able to be at peace with myself and not battle constantly as to whether I am right or wrong as relative to another person's behaviour. Life suddenly seems easier when I do this - accept people the way they are and believe that what makes me interesting and unique is the way 'I am'!

I have consciously tried to think differently in this way for the past month or two and I must admit it is not so easy. But, I am improving and I think I would soon reap the benefits of this changed thinking. I hope you find something to think differently too. I am sure it will change your life for the better.

P.S. Do join the 'Think Differently Challenge' by reading more about it on
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